Seeders from Sereis: Exodus

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The hit sci-fi game now in English for the first time! In the far distant future, colonists from a dead Earth, called Seeders, are threatened by a world-eating force. You must design a new, better ark for the Seeders to escape their new homes. Draft cards to lay the foundation for your ark. Negotiate to gain the best modules and personnel. Take advantage of complex interactions. Create the colony ship that will save the Seeders from extinction!

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Seeders from Sereïs – Episode 1: Exodus is the first game of a serial of ten set in this universe. When an unknown force threatens to render their home uninhabitable, the Seeders must build arks — giant colony ships — to ensure their survival. Players work to create the most promising design to be chosen for production. Each turn players draft cards into their hands as cards are laid out on the board. Players strategically place negotiator chips between the cards they want, using their alignment and position to determine who has the most influence over a desired card. Once all negotiators and tokens are placed, influence is calculated and the winners of each card is determined.

Additional information

Weight 5.6 lbs
Dimensions 12.6 × 12.6 × 4 in






Board Game Video: Seeders from Sereis: Exodus

  • 1 two-sided Wing of Whispers Negotiation board
  • 162 Ark cards
  • 30 two-sided Secondary Crew cards (12 Workers, 9 Converts and 9 Priests)
  • 6 Player-Aid cards
  • 45 Resources gems
  • 16 Ability tokens:
    • 8 Mutagen tokens
    • 8 Jailer tokens
  • 48 Influence markers
  • 1 Turn token
  • 2 Airlock tiles
  • Per player components (x4):
    • 1 Personal board
    • 1 Prestige point marker
    • 6 Negotiators
    • 30 Influence cubes