Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game

dungeons & dragons roleplaying game

Unleash your imagination in the fantasy realms of Dungeons & Dragons

Prepare for adventure bounded only by imagination as you set off to explore mysterious locations, gather treasure, and wage glorious battle in the 5th Edition of Dungeons & Dragons, a roleplaying game with over 40 years of history and evolution. Dungeons & Dragons immerses you in a world of adventure. Explore ancient ruins and deadly dungeons. Battle monsters while searching for legendary treasures. Gain experience and power as you trek across uncharted lands with your companions.

a set of 10 sided roleplaying dice
dungeons and dragon starter set box featuring a hero doing battle with a dragon

Everything you need to start playing Dungeons & Dragons!

Explore subterranean labyrinths! Plunder hoards of treasure! Battle legendary monsters! The Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set is your gateway to action-packed stories of the imagination. This box contains the essential rules of the game plus everything you need to play heroic characters on perilous adventures in worlds of fantasy.

player's handbook, dungeon masters guide, monster manual

The Core Manuals provide the rules, inspiration and the guidance you need to spark your imagination to create and explore worlds of adventure!

The world needs heroes. Will you answer the call?

Dungeons and Dragon’s Core Manuals take your campaign to the next level expanding the rules and adding more background to further broaden your roleplaying experience.

  • The Player’s Handbook contains rules for character creation and advancement, backgrounds and skills, exploration and combat, equipment, spells, and much more. Use this book to create exciting characters from among the most iconic D&D races and classes.
  • The DM’s Guide is full of world-building tools, tips and tricks for creating memorable dungeons and adventures, optional game rules, hundreds of classic D&D magic items, and much more!
  • The Monster Manual presents a horde of classic Dungeons & Dragons creatures, including dragons, giants, mind flayers, and beholders—a monstrous feast for Dungeon Masters ready to challenge their players and populate their adventures.

In Icewind Dale, adventure is a dish best served cold.

Beneath the unyielding night sky, you stand before a towering glacier and recite an ancient rhyme, causing a crack to form in the great wall of ice. Beyond this yawning fissure, the Caves of Hunger await. And past this icy dungeon is a secret so old and terrifying that few dare speak of it.

icewind dale and mythic odysseys of theros

Clash with the gods of Theros

Legends walk the lands of Theros, a realm shaped by deities and the deeds of heroes. From the temples of omen-speaking oracles to the five realms of the Underworld, the champions of the gods vie for immortal favor and a place among the world’s living myths.

volos guide to monsters, dungeons and dragons, game store

Research has never been so dangerous…

With Volo’s Guide to Monsters Dungeon Masters and players will get some much-needed guidance as you plan your next venture, traipsing about some dusty old ruin in search of treasure, lore, and let’s not forget … dangerous creatures whose horns, claws, fangs, heads, or even hides might comfortably adorn the walls of your trophy room. If you survive…

dungeons & dragons, products

Welcome to the Sword Coast

For use with the fifth edition Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, and Dungeon Master’s Guide, the Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide provides the setting, story, and character options needed to participate in a game anywhere along the Sword Coast of the Forgotten Realms. A valuable resource for Dungeon Masters, it was crafted with players and their characters foremost in mind. There is a plethora of new character options to intrigue and inspire every member of the adventuring party.

Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything

The wizard Tasha, whose great works include the spell Tasha’s hideous laughter, has gathered bits and bobs of precious lore during her illustrious career as an adventurer. Her enemies wouldn’t want these treasured secrets scattered across the multiverse, so in defiance, she has collected and codified these tidbits for the enrichment of all.

Tasha's Cauldron of Everything and Strixhaven Books

Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos

Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos introduces the fantastical setting of Strixhaven University, drawn from the multiverse of Magic: The Gathering, and provides rules for creating characters who are students in one of its five colleges. Characters can explore the setting over the course of four adventures, which can be played together or on their own.

Candlekeep Mysteries

Great Books Hide Their Secrets Well

Candlekeep Mysteries is a collection of seventeen short, stand-alone D&D adventures designed for characters of levels 1-16. Each adventure begins with the discovery of a book, and each book is the key to a door behind which danger and glory await. These adventures can be run as one-shot games, plugged into an existing Forgotten Realms campaign, or adapted for other campaign settings. This book also includes a poster map of the library fortress and detailed descriptions of Candlekeep and its inhabitants.

Explorers Guide to Wildemount

Create your own Critical Role Campaign

Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount provides everything you need to play Dungeons & Dragons on the continent of Wildemount. Comprised of four regions, Wildemount provides endless potential for adventure in a land of brewing conflict and incredible magic. Rising tensions boil over into all-out war between the politically dubious Dwendalian Empire and the light-worshiping wastefolk of Xhorhas, supplying a vibrant backdrop for any D&D campaign to explore.

Straight from the Dragon’s Mouth

What is the difference between a red dragon and a gold dragon? What is dragonsight? How does the magic that suffuses dragons impact the world around them? Here is your comprehensive guide to dragons, filled with the tips and tools Dungeon Masters and players need for their encounters with these dangerous magical creatures.

Fizban's Treasury of Dragons and Call of the Netherdeep

Can You Change Fate?

Inspired by the campaigns of the hit series Critical Role, this adventure begins in the Wastes of Xhorhas and leads to the glimmering oasis-city of Ank’Harel on the continent of Marquet, and from there into a sunken realm of gloom, corruption, and sorrow known as the Netherdeep. Above it all, the red moon of Ruidus watches, twisting the fates of those who have the power to shape the course of history.